Remove p tags from category description
By default Wordpress adds paragraph tags to category descriptions. Find out how to stop this.
By default WordPress adds paragraph tags to category descriptions. Stop this by adding the following to your functions.php file
// Remove p tags from category description remove_filter('term_description','wpautop');
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Using wp_strip_all_tags you can get rid of all html tags including , and etc
Great, works like a charm! Thank you for sharing this insight!
how to remove p tags from category description woocommerce?
not work “remove_filter(‘term_description’,’wpautop’);”
Yes it does. Just tested myself once again. You need to add this to your functions.php file. If you are using a custom theme then please check with the theme developer.
Awesome, Working like a charm 🙂 Thank you
Pleased it’s still working 🙂
Awesome. EZPZ.
Too bad no one will ever know why it comes wrapped by default
Thanks guys, way to keep it nice and simple. 🙂